January 4-10, 2022
Prepared by Robert Gallardo

The 2022 Honduras Butterfly Festival marked the first time that international visitors participated in this one-of-a-kind event.
For three straight years, the Pro Nature Honduras Foundation has operated the Honduras Butterfly Festival. It aims to promote the awareness of biodiversity protection by actively involving youth and highlighting the species-rich Lake Yojoa region. Combining these two aspects adds intrinsic value to the area and aids in showing nationals how to build sustainable tourism utilizing an areas’ finite natural resources.
Upon arrival, everyone traveled to Lake Yojoa and got settled in at the Bio Parque Paradise reserve. This would be ‘home’ for the next six nights. We were blessed with five days of great weather which brought out the multitudes of butterflies and we would record 300 species, including one country record and many rare species.
Day 5 2022 Honduras Butterfly Festival

On the first full day of the 2022 Honduras Butterfly Festival, we did some early morning birding on the hotel grounds. There was Lesson’s Motmot, Crimson-collared Tanager, Chestnut-headed Oropendolas, Brown Jay, numerous migrant wood-warblers, and saltators. After breakfast, we made our way to Meambar N.P. which rises above the eastern flank of the Lake. We stopped along the entrance road to check out the activity as the sun started to warm the air. We found numerous species of brushfoots including the giant Harmonia Tigerwing and numerous smaller species. A variety of skippers appeared including the lovely, and rare, Orange-spotted Skipper. One is lucky to even find one of these a year! We eventually reached the visitor’s center and climbed the nearby canopy tower. Although there weren’t many large butterflies we did see many smaller species, including one that represented a country record. A confiding Keel-billed Motmot also perched on a nearby tree and allowed for some great photography. Before Honduras entered into the ‘world of birding’ this was considered a difficult bird to see. Some Collared Aracaris also swung by and put on a show before continuing on. We had lunch then continued our visit to this beautiful mountain area. The Porterweed flowers were attracting a large number of showy species including True Cattleheart, Green-celled Cattleheart, Iphidamas Cattleheart, and Dyar’s Swallowtail; all of which are flashy swallowtails. Partway up a trail, we were totally surprised to see the exquisite Black-bellied Anteros at ground level and several Rusted Clearwing-Satyr. At the end of the day, we returned to Bio Parque for a delicious dinner.
Day 5 2022 Honduras Butterfly Festival
Day 2

The following day we remained at Bio Parque all day. After some birding we had breakfast then began to look for butterflies. Robert and Olivia have been working with the owner of Bio Parque in helping them augment their butterfly gardens by providing mistflower plant stock and it is starting to pay off. Several large mistflowers around the parking lot stole the show this day. As the air started to warm they literally filled with butterflies and the participants began to see the real meaning of “Mistflower Power.” The sheer number of species is too large to list here, but the following are some of the highlights: Tiger Mimic-White, Orange White (the rarest species observed), Lisus Hairstreak, Lyra Metalmark (this one took the show that day!), Great Emesis, Rusty-tipped Page, Gaudy Checkerspot and Yellow-spotted Telemiades.

Everyone was literally blown away at the sheer number and amount of species that were being attracted to just a few mistflower bushes. We kindly reminded everyone to ‘hold on to their hats’ as what they were witnessing would be multiplied exponentially at Emerald Valley during the next few days. The action continued all day all the way until the sun set behind the trees. The grand finale came when three Cell-barred Metalmarks showed up and perched under some Hibiscus leaves below eye level. This is a species that is very difficult to observe up close and what a treat it was. We ended the day with a nice dinner and a presentation on the “Birds, and now, the Butterflies of Honduras.”
Day 5 2022 Honduras Butterfly Festival
Days 3 and 4
The next two days were spent at Emerald Valley where Robert and Olivia have been working for several years in creating one of, if not, the most incredible butterfly gardens in the region. This was brought about by the ‘discovery’ of the first mistflower shrub behind their house together with the occurrence of a phenomenal amount of species that have been recorded there. To date, nearly 700 species have been documented on only fifty acres of rainforest. This includes nearly 120 country records, two species that exist only there in all of Central America and then ‘reappear’ in South America, and a newly described, endemic metalmark. There are numerous mistflower and porterweed gardens which are augmented by lantana, zinnias a suite of native wildflowers. All are connected with rustic and cement paths. The overall effect is a butterfly lover’s paradise.

At Emerald Valley, the international participants were joined by some Honduran nationals. There were 2 ½ days of non-stop action as everyone spread out on the premises to enjoy and take pictures of the winged beauties. Banana baits were also put out to attract beauties such as Blue Morpho, satyrids, crackers, and Tiger Beauty. As with Bio Parque, the list of species observed at Emerald Valley is long, but some of the highlights include: Ruby-spotted Swallowtail, Tiger Mimic-White, Costa-spotted Mimic-White, Golden White, Pearly Hairstreak, Meton Hairstreak, Thales Blackstreak, Silver-banded Hairstreak, White-striped Groundstreak, Inca Metalmark, Orange-stitched Metalmark, Cramer’s Metalmark, Five-spotted Longwing, Northern Nessaea, Blue-and-orange Eighty-eight, Astala Eighty-eight, Pearly Leafwing, Stub-tailed Morpho, Thermus Skipper, Confusing Phanus, Emerald Aguna, Frosted Flasher, Cryptic Skipper, Northern Eyed-Skipper, Variable Blue-skipper, Onaca Skipper and the Litana Skipper.
2022 Honduras Butterfly Festival
Day 5

On Sunday, the last day of the 2022 Honduras Butterfly Festival came the grand finale. We all assembled outdoors where the results of the photography contest were to be revealed. A well-known artist from San Pedro Sula was also present as she had donated two original pieces to the contest. Everyone who participated received some sort of prize or recognition and it was a wonderful way to end the Festival.
2022 Honduras Butterfly Festival Butterfly List (295 species)
Papilionidae | ||
Mimoides ilus | Ilus Swallowtail | |
Battus polydamas | Polydamas Swallowtail | |
Battus ingenuus | Dyar’s Swallowtail | |
Parides eurimedes mylotes | True Cattlleheart | |
Parides photinus | Pink-spotted Cattleheart | |
Parides childrenae childrenae | Green-celled Cattleheart | |
Parides panares lycimenes | Wedge-spotted Cattleheart | |
Parides iphidamas | Iphidamas Catthleheart | |
Parides erithalion polyzelus | Varialbe Catthleheart | |
Heraclides anchisiades | Ruby-spotted Swallowtail | |
Heraclides thoas | Thoas Swallowtail | |
Heraclides rumiko | W. Giant Swallowtail | |
Papilio polyxenes | Black Swallowtail | |
Pieridae | ||
Dismorphia amphione | Tiger Mimic-White | |
Enantia lina | White Mimic-White | |
Enantia albania albania | Costa-spotted Mimic-White | |
Enantia jethys | Jethy’s Mimic-White | |
Eurema daira | Barred Yellow | |
Eurema albula | White Yellow | |
Eurema salome | Salome Yellow | |
Pyrisitia proterpia | Tailed Orange | |
Pyrisitia dina westwoodi | Dina Yellow | |
Pyrisitia nise nelphe | Mimosa Yellow | |
Anteos clorinde | White Angled-Sulphur | |
Phoebis sennae | Cloudless Sulphur | |
Phoebis philea philea | Orange-barred Sulphur | |
Phoebis neocypris | Tailed Sulphur | |
Phoebis argante | Dark Apricot Sulphur | |
Aphrissa statira | Statira Sulphur | |
Hesperocharis crocea | Orange White | |
Ascia monuste | Great Southern White | |
Leptophobia aripa | Mountain White | |
Pieriballia viardi viardi | Viardi White | |
Archonias brassolis | Cattleheart White | |
Melete lycimnia isandra | Creamy White | |
Melete polyhymnia | Golden White | |
Glutophrissa drusilla | Florida White | |
Lycaenidae | ||
Evenus regalis | Regal Hairstreak | |
Pseudolycaena damo | Sky-blue Hairstreak | |
Theritas lisus | Lisus Hairstreak | |
Theritas mavors | Deep-green Hairstreak | |
Theritas theocritus | Pearly Hairstreak | |
Rekoa meton | Meton Hairstreak | |
Arawacus togarna | Togarna Hairstreak | |
Arawacus sito | Fine-lined Hairstreak | |
Kolana ligurina | Ligurina Hairstreak | |
Ocaria thales | Thales Blackstreak | |
Chlorostrymon simaethis | Silver-banded Hairstreak | |
Chlorostrymon telea | Telea Hairstreak | |
Allosmaitia strophius | Strophius Hairstreak | |
Kisutam syllis | Sky-blue Groundstreak | |
Calycopis clarina | White-striped Groundstreak | |
Calycopis isobeon | Dusky-blue Groundstreak | |
Strymon melinus | Gray Hairstreak | |
Tmolus echion echiolus | Red-spotted Hairstreak | |
Ministrymon azia | Gray Ministreak | |
Strephonata ericeta | Ericeta Hairstreak | |
Panthiades bitias | Bitias Hairstreak | |
Panthiades bathildis | Zebra-striped Hairstreak | |
Parrhasius sp. | ||
Michaelus phoenissa | Two-banded Hairstreak | |
Erora gabina | Gabina Hairstreak | |
Leptotes cassius | Cassius Blue | |
Hemiargus ceraunus | Ceraunus Blue | |
Riodinidae | ||
Theope pedias | Yellow-bottomed Theope | |
Theope virgilius | Blue-based Theope | |
Theope sp (Gray) | ||
Euselasia cataleuca | Black-edged Euselasia | |
Euselasia eucrates | Godman’s Euselasia | |
Euselasia chrysippe | Golden Euselasia | |
Hades noctula | White-rayed Metalmark | |
Leucochimona lagora | Lagora Metalmark | |
Napaea eucharila | White-stitched Metalmark | |
Eurybia elvina | Blind Eurybia | |
Lyropteryx lyra cleadas | Lyra Metalmarkn (Cherry-bordered Metalmark) | |
Ancyluris inca | Inca Metalmark | |
Rhetus periander | Periander Metalmark | |
Chalodeta chaonitis | Orange-stitched Metalmark | |
Detritivora barnesi | Barnes’ Metalmark | |
Calephelis velutina | Dark Calephelis | |
Lasaia agesilas | Shining-blue Lasaia | |
Mesene phareus | Cell-barred Metalmark | |
Symmachia tricolor | Tricolored Metalmark | |
Anteros micon | Black-bellied Anteros | |
Anteros carausius | Carousing Anteros | |
Emesis ocypore | Dark Emesis | |
Emesis tristis | Tristis Emesis | |
Emesis mandana furor | Great Emesis | |
Emesis tegula | Tegula Emesis | |
Emesis tenedia | Falcate Emesis | |
Argyrogrammana stilbe | Dotted Metalmark | |
Thisbe lycorias | Banner Metalmark | |
Juditha caucana | Molpe Metalmark | |
Menander menander | Menander Metalmark | |
Menander pretus picta | Cramer’s Metalmark | |
Calospila cilissa | Cilissa Metalmark | |
Nymphidium ascolia ascolia | Creamy Metalmark | |
Nymphalidae | ||
Lycorea halia atergratis | Tiger Mimic-Queen | |
Danaus eresimus montezuma | Soldier | |
Danaus gilippus | Queen | |
Danaus plexippus | Monarch | |
Tithorea tarricina pinthias | Cream-spotted Tigerwing | |
Melinaea lilis imitata | Mimic Tigerwing | |
Mechanitis lysimnia | Lysimni Tigerwing | |
Mechanitis polymnia lycidice | Polymnia Tigerwing | |
Napeogenes tolosa | Tolosa Tigerwing | |
Hyposcada virginiana | Virginiana Clearwing | |
Dircenna dero | Dero Clearwing | |
Dircenna klugii | Klug’s Clearwing | |
Godyris nero | Nero Clearwing | |
Greta morgane oto | Rusty Clearwing | |
Altinote ozomene | Lamplight Actinote | |
Actinote anteas | Anteas Actinote | |
Actinote guatemalena | Guatemalan Actinote | |
Agraulis vanillae | Gulf Fritillary | |
Dione juno huascuma | Juno Longwing | |
Dryas iulia moderata | Julia | |
Eueides aliphera gracilis | Fine-lined Longwing | |
Eueides isabella eva | Isabella’s Longwing | |
Eueides procula | Darkened Longwing | |
Heliconius charithonia vazquezae | Zebra | |
Heliconius erato petiverana | Crimson-patched Longwing | |
Heliconius hecale | Hecale Longwing | |
Heliconius hecalesia octavia | Five-spotted Longwing | |
Heliconius ismenius telchinia | Tiger-striped Longwing | |
Euptoieta hegesia | Mexican Fritillary | |
Adelpha paraena | Massilia Sister | |
Adelpha serpa celerio | Celerio Sister | |
Adelpha cocala | Lorza’s Sister | |
Adelpha iphicleola iphicleola | Iphicleola Sister | |
Adelpha melanthe | Rayed Sister | |
Biblis hyperia | Red Rim | |
Doxocopa laure | Silver Emperor | |
Catonephele mexicana | East-Mexican Banner | |
Catonephele numilia esite | Blue-frosted Banner | |
Nessaea aglaura | Northern Nessaea | |
Hamadryas fornax | Orange Cracker | |
Hamadryas februa | Gray Cracker | |
Hamadryas feronia | Variable Cracker | |
Nica flavilla canthara | Little Banner | |
Pyrrhogyra edocla edocla | Green-spotted Banner | |
Pyrrhogyra otolais | Double-banded Banner | |
Dynamine theseus | White Sailor | |
Dynamine postverta | Mexican Sailor | |
Dynamine dyonis | Blue-eyed Sailor | |
Catagramma tolima | Blue-and-orange Eighty-Eight | |
Diaethria anna | Anna’s Eighty-Eight | |
Diaethria astala | Astala Eighty-Eight | |
Marpesia berania | Orange Daggerwing | |
Marpesia chiron | Many-banded Daggerwing | |
Marpesia petreus | Ruddy Daggerwing | |
Historis acheronta acheronta | Tailed Cecropian | |
Tigridia acesta | Tiger Beauty | |
Hypanartia lethe lethe | Orange Mapwing | |
Anartia fatima | Banded Peacock | |
Anartia jatrophae | White Peacock | |
Siproeta epaphus | Rusty-tipped Page | |
Siproeta superba | Broad-banded Page | |
Siproeta stelenes biplagiata | Malachite | |
Junonia evarete | Tropical Buckeye | |
Chlosyne gaudialis | Gaudy Checkerspot | |
Chlosyne janais | Crimson-patch Checkerspot | |
Chlosyne hippodrome | Simple Patch | |
Chlosyne lacinia | Bordered Patch | |
Anthanassa subota subota | Cryptic Crescent | |
Anthanassa drusilla lelex | Orange-patched Crescent | |
Anthanassa tulcis | Pale-banded Crescent | |
Castilia ofella | White-dotted Crescent | |
Eresia clio | Clio Crescent | |
Eresia phillyra | Longwing Crescent | |
Tegosa anieta luka | Black-bordered Crescent | |
Tegosa guatemalena | Guatemalan Crescent | |
Consul electra | Pearly Leafwing | |
Consul fabius cecrops | Tiger-striped Leafwing | |
Memphis sp | ||
Morpho helenor | Common Morpho | |
Morpho theseus | Stub-tailed Morpho | |
Caligo telamonius memnon | Pale Owl-Butterfly | |
Eryphanis aesacus | Double-spotted Owl-Butterfly | |
Cithaerias pireta pireta | Rusted Clearwing-Satyr | |
Pierella luna | Moon Satyr | |
Cissia pompilia | Plain Satyr | |
Hermeuptychia hermes (intracota) | Herme’s Satyr | |
Pareuptychia metaleuca | White-banded Satyr | |
Pareuptychia ocirrhoe | White Satyr | |
Taygetis leuctra | Leuctra Satyr | |
Hesperiidae | ||
Phocides polybius | Guava Skipper | |
Phocides thermus | Thermus Skipper | |
Myscelus amystis hages | Widespread Myscelus | |
Phanus confusis | Confusing Phanus | |
Udranomia orcinus | Orcinus Skipper | |
Proteides mercurius | Mercurial Skipper | |
Epargyreus spina | Spined Silverdrop | |
Polygonus savigny | Manuel’s Skipper | |
Chioides zilpa | Zilpa Longtail | |
Aguna claxon | Emerald Aguna | |
Aguna asander | Gold-spotted Aguna | |
Aguna panama | Panamanian Aguna | |
Typhedanus ampyx | Gold-tufted Skipper | |
Polythrix octomaculata | Eight-spotted Longtail | |
Codatractus alcaeus | White-crescent Mottled-Skipper | |
Urbanus belli | Bell’s Longtail | |
Urbanus esmeraldus | Esmeralda Longtail | |
Urbanus dorantes | Dorantes Longtail | |
Urbanus teleus | Teleus Longtail | |
Urbanus doryssus | White-tailed Longtail | |
Urbanus albimargo | White-edged Longtail | |
Astraptes talus | Green Flasher | |
Astraptes fulgerator | Two-barred Flasher | |
Astraptes brevicauda | Short-tailed Flasher | |
Astraptes egregius | Small-spotted Flasher | |
Astraptes enotrus | White-spotted Flasher | |
Astraptes janeira | Schaus’ Flasher | |
Astraptes alardus latia | Frosted Flasher | |
Astraptes alector hopfferi | Gilbert’s Flasher | |
Astraptes chiriquensis | Chiriqui Flasher | |
Astraptes weymeri | Weymer’s Flasher | |
Astraptes anaphus annetta | Yellow-tipped Flasher | |
Narcosius sp | ||
Autochton neis | Broad Banded-Skipper | |
Autochton longipennis | Spike Banded-Skipper | |
Autochton bipunctatus | Gmelin’s Banded-Skipper | |
Cabares potrillo | Potrillo Skipper | |
Spathilepia clonius | Falcate Skipper | |
Telemiades avitus | Yellow-spotted Telemiades | |
Celaenorrhinus sp. | ||
Celaenorrhinus stallingsi | Stalling’s Flat | |
Polyctor enops | Enops Tufted-Skipper | |
Nisoniades godma | Godma Tufted-Skipper | |
Noctuana lactifera bipuncta | Cryptic Skipper | |
Cyclosemia anastomosis | Northern Eyed-Skipper | |
Bolla cupreiceps | Copper-headed Sootywing | |
Staphylus ascalaphus | Central American Sootywing | |
Staphylus ceos | Golden-headed Sootywing | |
Gorgythion vox | Crab’s-claw Skipper | |
Sostrata nordica | Blue-studded Skipper | |
Mylon lassia | Bold Mylon | |
Mylon maimon | Common Mylon | |
Anastrus sempiternus | Common Anastrus | |
Anastrus tolimus | Blurry Anastrus | |
Ebrietas osyris | Yellow-patched Bent-Skipper | |
Ebrietas anacreon | Common Bent-Skipper | |
Helias cama | Squared Bent-Skipper | |
Eantis thraso (now Tosta) | Southern Sicklewing | |
Achlyodes busirus heros | Giant Sicklewing | |
Ouleus salvina | Salvin’s Skipper | |
Zera hyacinthinus | Bruised Skipper | |
Quadrus cerialis | Common Blue-Skipper | |
Pythonides jovianus amaryllus | Variable Blue-Skipper | |
Atarnes sallei | Orange-spotted Skipper | |
Carrhenes sp | ||
Xenophanes tryxus | Glassy-winged Skipper | |
Antigonus corrosus | Small Spurwing | |
Antigonus nearchus | Large Spurwing | |
Pyrgus oileus | Tropical Checkered-Skipper | |
Heliopetes arsalte | Veined White-Skipper | |
Perichares adela | Green-backed Ruby-eye | |
Orses cynisca | Yellow-edged Ruby-eye | |
Talides alternata | Alternate Ruby-eye | |
Carystoides abrahami | Abraham’s Ruby-eye | |
Panoquina ocola | Ocola Skipper | |
Panoquina lucas | Purple-washed Skipper | |
Panoquina evansi | Evans’ Skipper | |
Panoquina evadnes | Evadnes Skipper | |
Saliana sp | ||
Neoxeniades luda | Luda Skipper | |
Synapte pecta | Northern Faceted-Skipper | |
Synapte salenus | Salenus Faceted-Skipper | |
Anthoptus epictetus | Trailside Skipper | |
Lento xanthina | Xanthina Skipper | |
Callimormus radiola | Radiant Skipper | |
Callimormus juventus | Juventus Skipper | |
Mnasicles geta | Violet-frosted Skipper | |
Remella vopiscus | Cryptic Remella | |
Cymaenes trebius | Fawn-spotted Skipper | |
Moeris striga | ||
Vehilius stictomenes illudens | Pasture Skipper | |
Niconiades incomptus | Half-tailed Skipper | |
Vettius onaca | Onaca Skipper | |
Rhinthon osca | Osca Skipper | |
Rhinthon molion | Blue-based Skipper | |
Hylephila phyleus | Fiery Skipper | |
Polites vibex | Whirlabout | |
Pompeius pompeius | Pompeius Skipper | |
Anatrytone sp. | ||
Quasimellana eulogius | Common Mellana | |
Euphyes peneia | Guardpost Skipper | |
Metron chrysogastra | Orange-headed Metron | |
Cynea irma | Fogged Skipper | |
Cynea anthracinus anthracinus | Anthracinus Skipper | |
Cyclosma glamis | Glamis Skipper | |
Orthos gabina | Gabina Skipper | |
Decinea decinea derisor | Decinea Skipper | |
Nyctelius nyctelius | Nyctelius Skipper | |
Vacerra litana | Litana Skipper |
If you are looking for a vacation destination that is off the beaten path, Fauna Ventures’ eco-tours are for you. Avoid the crowds at some of the hidden gems we’ll visit, having the entire butterfly population to yourself. You’ll most definitely want to bring your camera to capture all the beauty around you.
Our small group and couples’ private tours are a wonderful way to escape from your day-to-day grind. Relax with us in some of the world’s most beautiful destinations. Honduras and Colombia will take you back to a slower-paced so you can explore at your leisure with no rush to accomplish to-do lists or tasks. Reach out to our team to learn more, and sign up today!